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A photo book for cherishing good times and beautiful destinations

What's a memory, event or trip you'll always cherish? For me it's my first solo travel to Australia and Sri Lanka back in 2018. It was a hard experience, but also the most rewarding and mind blowing trip I ever been on, so when I found SubBook and their cute photo books, I knew that I needed to immortalise this trip in a book.

This article is sponsored by SubBook

I'm not gonna lie. I take way too many photos and only a handful of them ever gets published, which is why I love the idea of a photo book to cherish all those beautiful memories – insta worthy or not.

I love the nostalgia and that I can preserve my digital photos in a physical book that I can flip through, instead of keeping them in my camera roll between 5,000 other photos or hidden far away in a folder on my laptop. This way I can keep my memories on a book shelf and look at my old photos as much as I want :-)

It's also a much nicer way to show our travel memories to family and friends as they are getting a bit tired of seeing slide shows on the computer hehehe.

From my camera roll to the book shelf

I made a book full of photos of my two-months of solo traveling, but I also couldn't help myself to make a second book of all the good times Jacob and I have had traveling together the last few years, which was such a beautiful book to share with Jacob. I'll definitely have to make a new one in a few years <3

So how does it work?

SubBook is a Danish brand (and for all my European friends: Ships to all of Europe!!) that helps you make the easiest photo books ever – directly from your phone. First step is to download the SubBook app from App Store. You can add up to 200 pages from your phone (or Facebook, Instagram or Dropbox) so there's lots of space for travel pics, and you can choose between a few cover designs to make it as easy as possible. I chose a minimalistic look with a color that matches my chosen front photo. The books are in A5 format (148 x 210 mm) and is either hard cover or soft cover. Each side contains a big photo and the option to write a little text or caption under. A week later I received a package with the books and the quality is honestly so good!

Now I have two books full of memories that I'll be able to look back on and cherish for years to come.

Download the SubBook app and create your own today!


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